Welcome to House of Yoga Virtual

🌟 The Best Virtual Yoga Studio on the Planet 🌟

In each class, you are guided in breath, movement, and modifications.

Join us for weekly live streaming classes, or enjoy recorded classes from our vast library anytime.

Weekly Streaming Class Schedule with Durga Devi:
WEDNESDAY @ 9:30 AM Dosha Balancing , Pranayama + Meditation

Ashtanga: First Sunday @ 9 am
Mystic Circle: Last Thursday @ 7 pm
(Shiva Das + Durga Devi)

Question? Email Durga Devi
[email protected]
or Shiva Das
[email protected]

Enjoy a sample of one of our LIVE STREAM Hatha Dosha Balancing classes with Durga Devi.

We offer THE BEST streaming yoga experience with:

High-quality video, audio, and teaching beyond Asana.

Select a Comfortable Pricing Plan
Make a commitment to yourself.

Please be sure to OPT IN - to receive Emails from us!
(in your Account Manager settings)

You will be notified of any changes to the class schedule.

What Others are Saying About House of Yoga Virtual Studio

"The monthly message and weekly challenge are just what I need .

Thank you so much for creating a

wonderful platform where I can find FOCUS and MEANING".


" I LOVE the new CONTENT,
and how it is organized and presented".


"Durga Devi,
I am so grateful for
GUIDANCE through
these practices.
Always very


Real Yoga for Real People +
Practical Spirituality.

Yoga is to unite with our highest Self. From this knowing we live in harmony within our minds and bodies and in harmoy with the world.

Durga Devi + Shiva Das

With over 40 years combined teaching experience, these life long practitioners of Yoga, guide you through every class; live, streamed, as well as the LIBRARY of recorded classes. You always have the option to practice live or with a recorded class from the Library. (Library Refreshes monthly)

What Students say
about our classes

'Welcoming, warm, safe, comforting,
and inspiring

— while delivering quality,
very knowledgeable yoga.'
~ Sue J.

Your Teachers:
Abhi Durga Devi & Dave Shiva Das

Real People, Just Like You

We are the founders and caretakers of House Of Yoga, originally founded in 2005 as a brick & mortar yoga studio in Berkley, Mi.

We have been teaching yoga classes since 2002 and are now happy to expand our offerings to the GLOBAL COMMUNITY.

We teach Yoga based on the principles of Krishnamacharya -
making yoga accessible to all.

This is real yoga for real people

Our primary Hatha yoga teachers:

Mark Whitwell, Sharon Gannon + David Life
Godfrey Devereux, Manju Jois, + Doug Swenson

Our Spiritual (Bhakti) teachers:

Ram Dass, Bhagavan Das, Russill Paul + Radhanath Swami

Our wish is that the teachings here benefit you
and inspire you to begin your journey
to live a full and vibrant life.

with great love and respect,
Shiva Das + Durga Devi

Our Philosophy

Yoga Is Our Direct Participation In Life Itself

In yoga practice we concentrate on

, BODY and MIND.

Our senses are included as part of the mind. Although it theoretically appears possible for breath, body and mind to work independently of one another, the purpose of yoga is to unite - and bring harmony to all three.

Today, It is primarily the physical aspect of the practice that people associate wtih yoga. People rarely notice how they breathe, or how the breath influences movement of the body and movement of the mind.

Our AWARENESS of our BREATH and its influence on the
Body and Mind
is the Foundation of a sincere yoga practice.

The principles we teach from are ages old, developed by many generations of great yoga teachers.

When these principles are included in the yoga practices you do, then your practice will truly become entirely your own:

efficient, powerful, and healing.

Discover how to make your yoga become your direct participation in the Power and Peace that is Life itself.

Have Questions?

We love Questions!
Schedule a short, free, no pressure chat with us live
via zoom to get the answers.

We are nice people!